Safety & Training
Committed to accident-free projects with a record to prove it.

Safety is our highest priority
A safe working environment is essential to improve worker well-being, reduce disruptions, and ensure smooth, timely project completion. At National Conductor, our safety program is based on a “Zero-Accident” philosophy—a principle that guides us to achieve the highest level of safety and well-being for employees and clients on every job, every day.
All employees receive comprehensive training to :
Understand company safety rules and policies
Adhere to all safety protocols and procedures
Use tools, equipment, and personal protective equipment as designed
Identify hazards and eliminate them
Immediately report all unsafe conditions to their supervisor
Perform only tasks for which they have been trained and when in doubt, stop and ask
Accept our "Zero-Accident" philosophy

Our Safety Program
National Conductor is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy working environment to protect our most valuable asset: our people. We provide extensive safety training that goes above and beyond safety regulations and standards to keep our employees healthy and safe on and off the job site.
Our safety program operates on the basis that accident prevention is essential for an efficient operation. Our entire team plays an active role in supporting our safety protocols. Management focuses on providing a safe working environment while maintaining quality and efficiency on our projects. Employees comply with applicable safety and health rules and regulations as established by National Conductor and the on-site, project-specific safety program.
Our safety program structure is:
Based on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) 1926 Construction Manual, Minnesota’s “A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction” program (AWAIR)
Inclusive of individual project safety guidelines
Focused on providing continuing education
Improved continually using recommendations from safety engineers, project owners, periodic performance audits of projects, employees, and OSHA updates

Certifications & Regulatory Compliance
- Certified Welders
- Electrical Licenses in 38 States
- Aluminum Certificates
- AWS D-1.2
- ASME Section IX
- Steel Certification
- AWS D1.1
- OSHA Training 10 and 30 hours
- CPR/1st Aid Training
- Silver Plating and Thermal Imaging
- Applied Surface Concepts Training
- MSHA Training
- National Commission Certification Of Crane Operators
- PowerSafe Generation Training Certified
- Mine Safety & Health Administration
- Codes and Standards
- IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Eng.
- NEMA, National Electrical Manu. Assoc.
- NESC, National Electrical Safety Code
- ANSI, American National Standards Institute
- UL, Underwriters Laboratories
- ASTM, American Society for Testing and Material
- IPCEA, Int. Power Cable Engineers Assoc.
- AISC, American Institute of Steel Construction
- NEC, National Electric Code
- AWS, American Welding Society
- Code 3084 Silver per AMS 2451 & Mil-Std 865
- 40 CFR 265.16 / 49 CFR 172.702 and 49 CFR 172.704
- ACI, American Concrete Institute
- ISA, Instrument Society of America
- NACE, Nat'l Assoc. of Corrosion Engineers
- NFPA, National Fire Protection Assoc.
- NBS, National Bureau of Standards
- OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health